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OCD & Phobias
Do you have an exaggerated fear of a specific object?
Do you perform rituals, compulsions, and use avoidance to decrease your fear?
Are your fears causing stress in your life?
Working through your fears can be scary, but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Using Exposure and Response Prevention, cognitive-behavioral, & habit-reversal skills and techniques will help you to decrease anxiety and fear and learn how to tolerate intense sensations, thoughts, and beliefs. I will develop a collaborative treatment plan and use active behavioral interventions alongside you to truly create a sustainable recovery. Below, you will find some OCD & phobia types as well as body-focused repetitive disorders that I treat at In Balance 365.
Body-Focused Repetitive Behaviors
Dermatillomania (Skin Picking)
Onychophagia (Nail Biting)
Specific Phobias
Public Speaking
OCD Types
Harm OCD
Scrupulosity OCD
Relationship OCD
Postpartum OCD
Sexual Orientation OCD
Pedophilia OCD
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